SONG OF THE DAY The Spirit Of Memphis Quartet- Blessed Are The Dead

R-9384024-1534739416-6863I don’t know if its the mood I’m in tonight making this song resonate even more, but it’s so stirring and in all its minimal glory, its simply beautiful. Nothing but gorgeous vocal layering constructs this gospel delight, but this is what makes it so magic!

The Spirit of Memphis Quartet are considered to be one of the most influential Gospel groups to come out of the US! Over their two-decade reign, they issued a pretty extensive repertoire and generated a big soul-filled sound!

PrimaryComing together in the late 1930’s, The Spirit of Memphis Quartet took Gospel music to another level, literally leaving dozens in the congregations ‘falling out’ through the power of the Spirit! In the 1960’s, featured members Joe Hinton even went on to find fleeting fame as a secular soul singer – such was his dynamic style! As a group they were bold and vibrant, going out in brightly coloured suits with stylish choreography to match and by the late 1950’s, they were one of the highest paid quartets around! Their music took them all over the US and in the mid-1970’s they were set to record with Elvis (but the session was cancelled due to Elvis’ poor health).

Issued in 1950 on the King label, Blessed Are The Dead served as the B-side to an equally gripping gospel serenade entitled, The Day Is Past and Gone – this you can hear below.. I’m not particularly religious, but I adore this sound and tonight The Spirit Of Memphis Quartet are literally my sonic saviours! Enjoy!

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3 Responses to SONG OF THE DAY The Spirit Of Memphis Quartet- Blessed Are The Dead

  1. Pingback: SONG OF THE DAY The Spirit Of Memphis -Voo-Doo-Ism |

  2. banker says:

    I’m not particularly religious either, but I’ve been taken to church by friends a couple of times, and it’s always a joy when theres a gospel choir/singers. You can always hear their passion and love in their singing, and the energy is unmatched. And man is this quartet no different, that vocal tone is insane, it’s so rich.. makes you wonder if they are angels themselves!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Indeed, I don’t think religion necessarily has to play a part because gospel just talks to the spirit and it does truly ignite and lift!! You are so right about the passion! It’s hard not to get elevated by their sheer energy! I’d never heard of The Spirit of Memphis Quartet until recently, but I love them and I love what you said about them being “angels themselves”, for their sound is truly divine!

    Liked by 1 person

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