SONG OF THE DAY Milá Melo – Batuque

PrimaryWhat a smashing way to start a song! That powerful voice is so soulful and inviting; I was captured by the first drawn-out note and had hear more!

Released on a Cape Verdean label called A Voz De Cabo-Verde, today’s song and the artist behind it are something of a mystery! Batuque was one of ten songs that featured on an album called Utima Wetu (Folclore De Angola). Released sometime in the early-to-mid-1970’s, the record featured a collection of songs (most of which were) written by a lady called Milá Melo.

With its Latin splashes and deep-funk bassline, the refined qualities of Batuque are instantly attractive and likeable. It’s just a shame I can’t find out and share more information about Milá Melo, she is something of a mystery. Though, I’m sure I read somewhere (I can’t locate it now) that her songs were sometimes political? She does have a lovely voice!

Though not fetching drastically high prices, Milá Melo’s music seems to be relatively tricky to source and I’ve yet to find a copy of Utima Wetu (Folclore De Angola) anywhere to buy online? I’m off to investigate more and will leave with you not one, but two of her tracks to be getting on with!

I hope you enjoy!

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