SONG OF THE DAY William Cosby – Beware

It’s interesting to hear an accordian featuring in a rocky song like this! I know its far from the first time this has occurred in the history of the music and not necessarily a new sound, but I like the unexpected and edgy dimension it adds to this track!

Beware is a relatively rare single released by William Cosby on the Neofonic label. I’ve tried but failed to find a release date for this, but I suspect late 60’s?  Equally, its hard to find out much about William Cosby himself, other than he was originally part of an outfit called The Sprouts, a duo that released a handful of rockabilly 45’s on RCA in the late 50’s/early 60’s. Backed with, Let It Be Today, today’s song looks to be the only 45 William Cosby released too, so here’s another obscure gem to feast your ears upon – and it’s that rare I can’t even find the b-side to play you! Check it out above.

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